My Pal Sal

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I’m going to be honest, waking up at 6 o’clock in the morning the past nine days hasn’t been the easiest thing. My fellow gordy gals and I are the first cabin to be on farm chores (every cabin will have two weeks to do farm chores throughout the course of the semester). It’s definitely causing an excessive amounts of coffee drinking, but the exhaustion is completely worth it.

Every morning my cabin mates and I wake up when the sun rises and walk down to the farm with the buckets of compost from yesterday’s meals. I look around at my seven new friends as we arrive at the farm to see the fog rolling over the pasture. I can’t help but think that the early mornings have brought us so close in just a few days. A week and a half ago I didn’t know any of these people, but they already feel like old friends that I’ve known for years. Imogen, Gracia, Frances, and I walk to the chickens and hear the wake up bell ring. While everyone else is rolling out of bed, I am brushing Sals coat and giving her hay. Waking up early is hard, but there is nothing more enriching than taking care of the farm, and knowing that I am helping my community.


-Aidan, Santa Fe Prep, NM

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