Category: Farm and Food Systems

Daily Moments on the Farm

Recently, Hannah Ryde (Semester 48) returned to the farm to capture these images of daily moments around the barn.  So lovely! While in Maine, she

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Oh, spring.

What a season this is.  We went from deep snow to summery temperatures on the farm in a matter of moments it seems.  These days

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Food Security Forum

When I think about the intersection of community and food, my mind goes to bountiful places: I reflect on the richness of directly growing food

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Garden Planning

by Hilary Crowell, Assistant Farm Manager   Usually about now some people start to ask me, as a farmer, what I do.  I sense that

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Winter Luxury

by Hilary Crowell, Assistant Farm Manager My favorite kind of pumpkin is called Winter Luxury.  What a perfect name!  It is a beauty to look

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From cook Courtney Sonia- Pho at Chewonki! Pho, a Vietnamese soup, is a favorite here at Chewonki. The dish consists of a savory broth, rice

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