The Whistling Maples and Pines
The Whistling Maples and Pines Don’t forget your wool socks, layers, snacks, Nor your head or heart. For you might be surprised What you’ll find When you stay long enough In your pheno spot The pines and maples Hide and whistle Past the yurt, And around the quad Through Binnacle, Gillies, Orchard, and South Hall So pay close attention! For to know a place, Is to know its language Oh yes, Robin Wall Kimmerer Guides our curriculum’s mission So listen To the trees when they speak, To the wool you loom, That comes from the sheared sheep you feed and greet It’s not easy being green Dr.Seuss once said, But I’ve found it quite this way Amongst the trees of Chewonki, In Wiscasset Maine — Steph Ramoz is part of Maine Coast Semester class of 74 and attending from Lindblom Math and Science Academy, Chicago, Illinois.

Knit Happens

A Heart-felt Alumni Gathering

It’s a Wonderful Life(guard)

Polar Bearrrrrrrrrrrrrs…….

Greg Shute Honored With Special Recognition Award from the ACA

Device-Free Summers at Chewonki

Creating Chewonki “Magic”

Inside the Teaching Fellow Experience at Maine Coast Semester

What We’re Reading: Our Favorite Books in 2024

The Gift of Personal Growth

This Is My Real Job

The Gift of Lizard Time

The Gift of Wonder: Chewonki Through the Eyes of Children

A Reflection on Thanksgiving

The Gift of Courage

The Gift of Belonging

Celebrating Greg Shute – 41 Years of Leadership and Kindness

President’s Notes: The Golden Days of Fall

In Honor of Indigenous People’s Day