Why Sustainable Schools Matter

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Why Sustainable Schools Matter

Schools are places where ideas take root, and Chewonki has long been a leader in helping students and participants understand their connection to the natural world. Now, with our
Bright Future Solar Drive, we’re taking that commitment one step further. The 480-panel solar array we plan to install on our Eastside Pasture will do a lot more than just power our lights—it’s a big step toward a cleaner, greener future for everyone.

This project isn’t just about reducing our carbon footprint—it’s about leading by example and demonstrating why sustainability in schools matters. At Chewonki, we’re showing how institutions, no matter their size, can be a driving force for positive environmental change.

The Power of Sustainable Schools

Schools have the power to shape values and habits, and at Chewonki, our participants often describe their time here as transformative. By embracing renewable energy with the Bright Future Solar Drive, we’re showing that sustainability is not just an ideal but a practical, everyday choice. Through hands-on learning, students will experience how clean energy and sustainable practices are integrated into daily life, equipping them with the tools to become environmentally conscious citizens long after they leave Chewonki.

A Game-Changing Solar Project

Our solar array’s impact will be significant. It will generate 100% of the electricity we need to operate, significantly reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. It will keep 140 metric tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere every year. To put that in perspective, that’s like taking 30 cars off the road or preventing 218,000 pounds of coal from being burned. 

Plus, it will save us $1.5 million in energy costs over the array’s lifetime.

Even more, our system is agrivoltaic, meaning it will produce electricity and provide shaded grazing areas for our animals. It’s a real-life example of how human needs and nature can work in harmony, a core principle of what we teach here at Chewonki.

Join Us in building a Brighter Future

The Bright Future Solar Drive isn’t just about Chewonki—it’s about the role sustainable schools play in shaping a better world. By supporting this initiative, you’re helping us lead the way to a cleaner, greener future for everyone. Together, we can light the path to a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.

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