Nancy Kennedy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies from the University of Maine, a Master of Divinity from Bangor Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies from the University of New Hampshire. She has also received training in Mindfulness and Restorative Practices, respectively. Nancy served several Congregational Churches and was a professor at both Lynchburg College and Randolph-Macon Women’s College before returning to Maine to work in the nonprofit world in various leadership and mentoring roles.
Nancy joined the staff at Chewonki several years ago and has served as the Director of Girls Camp, Director of Camp Chewonki, Executive Vice President, Acting President, and President. She is a board member of several Maine based organizations and represents Chewonki as Chair of the Board of the Wiscasset Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, she continues to serve as an ecumenical chaplain at Maine Medical Center and Miles Memorial Hospital.
Nancy lives in Newcastle, Maine with her husband, Joe, son Nicholas, and their dog Loki. She enjoys hiking, swimming, running and travel. A life-long learner, Nancy appreciates a good cup of coffee and a bagel, and welcomes opportunites to connect with other in meaningful dialogue and action.