From Farm to You!

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A poem written by Farm Activity Campers and Staff


Once on a farm that we call Salt Marsh

Lay 150 lbs. of potatoes to wash

Moments before, our hands in the dirt

Most of it ending up on our shirts

We hunted for treasure; the gold and the red

And with our pitchforks, we dug up the bed

We pulled up the plants and tangles of roots

Oh, here on this land the farmers don’t lose

We’re given a goal on how much we need

We work and we work until we succeed

So we have something to put you in a really good mood

A table, at banquet, full of farm fresh food

Potatoes and chicken and pickles galore

Come down to the farm and we’ll harvest some more

In the morning at chores, we move chicken tractors

But wait! There’s another very important factor

It’s not just farmers but campers, too

Who help get your meat from farm to you

But there’s more to this cycle; more people to add,

More food to be cooked and fun to be had

Without our kitchen staff, where would we be?

We’d be hungry campers with nothing to eat

And we can’t forget the dish crew, of course

Who take our food waste and turn the compost

It biodegrades into rich soil, you see

To spread in the beds and be planted with seeds

The seeds they then grow into beautiful plants

To be weeded and harvested and washed all by hand

And the cycle starts over and repeats once again

Look forward to next year when the summer begins

This summer was great and to you I give thanks

To the people, the farmers, the campers, this place.


Thanks to Izzy Ruffin, Camp Farm Activity Leader!


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