WMA Instructor Reflects on Chewonki’s Food System

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Wilderness Medical Associates (WMA) just wrapped up two wilderness medicine courses on Chewonki’s campus this week: a Wilderness Advanced First Aid course and Wilderness First Responder Bridge course.  Instructor Greg Hren took some stunning and sweet photos of the farm before and in between classroom teaching and practice emergency scenarios.


He had this to say about his intersection with Chewonki:

“Beyond the evolving stories and the developing friendships, what has struck me as particularly touching this year is the sustainable farm here on the grounds.

Lying just on the periphery of our experience here at Chewonki, is what seems to be a very magical place. We hear it through the trees while conducting our simulations; we smell the freshness of the livestock while walking the trails; and best of all, enjoy the stories from the farmers while we eat fresh greens from the garden, milk, butter and yogurt from the cows, and grass-fed meats on our table.”


To see a full copy of Greg’s post, visit the WMA blog.

While the WMA courses were on campus, our summer farm workers grinned often while sharing about stories swapped over meals in the dining hall: we listened with interest to the tales of fake injuries sustained during practice rescue scenarios and marveled at painted-on bruises and wounds, and more than one WMA participant noted with some amazement the amount of food our crew shoveled down between a morning of wrangling sheep and an afternoon of transplanting tomatoes.


Many thanks to Greg Hren for the images and shout-out!


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