When Ewe need a Shear…

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Maine Coast Semester alumni stay connected to Chewonki in all kinds of ways, and having Emily Garnett (semester 9) return each year before lambing season is “shear” delight. 
For those of you who like to track annual cycles on the farm, we shear our sheep four to six weeks prior to lambs being born. This allows us to track animal health by being hands on at this critical time in gestation. It also makes for a cleaner lambing experience and a more accessible udder for babes, and changes mom’s metabolism so that, studies show, she’ll produce healthier lambs. 
Emily has been shearing our sheep for several years. Chewonki elementary and middle school students, as well as Maine Coast Semester, will all stop by the farm today to watch her work and learn more. 
After shearing, Chewonki’s fiber is spun at Aroostook Fiber Mill and returned to be sold as yarn. 
Lambing season is right around the corner – our earliest are due March 26. Stay tuned for news about the 2020 lambcam!
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